Learning to Read and Write
Frederick Douglass
I often found myself regretting my own existence, and wishing myself dead; and but for the hope of being free, I have no doubt but that I should have killed myself, or done something for which I should have been killed. While in this state of mind, I was eager to hear anyone speak of slavery .I was a ready listener. Every little while, I could hear some- thing about the abolitionists. It was some time before I found what the word meant. It was always used in such connections as to make it an interesting word to me. If a slave ran away and succeeded in getting clear, or if a slave killed his master, set fire to a barn, or did anything very wrong in the mind of a slaveholder, it was spoken of as the fruit of abolition. Hearing the word in this connection very often, I set about learning what it meant. The dictionary afforded me little or no help. I found it was "the act of abolishing"; but then I did not know what was to be abolished. Here I was perplexed. I did not dare to ask anyone about its meaning, for I was satisfied that it was something they wanted me to know very little about. After a patient waiting, I got one of our city papers, containing an account of the number of petitions from the North, praying for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and of the slave trade between the States. From this time I understood the words abolition and abolitionist, and always drew near when that word was spoken, expecting to hear something of importance to myself and fellow-slaves. The light broke in upon me by degrees.
I ended up taking only 3 classes after all (only 9 credits allowed for BK21 scholarship 1st semester students!). One that truly inspires and encourages me is Graduate Research Writing. It sounds really boring, I know, but Professor Pang always introduces us to new ideas as well as giving us, the beginning scholars, courage in pursuing our path and dream. She seems to understand the turmoil and despair of starting out graduate studies, and tries to give us hope by such precious articles as above. One short article called The Accidental Archivist was also really soothing to know, perhaps I will post a summary of it later. But anyhow, Friday afternoons seem like Vitamin Time, thanks to Graduate Research Writing!