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Video from Paris

Until a few minutes ago, I was very seriously considering selling my Fuji Z5 and getting a Xacti. Ever since I saw the New York, 1970 footage, I have wanted to buy a camcorder + camera that offers quite good video recording functions. So I spent an hour or so looking at second-hand sales sites and looking for the affordable and decent device.

Then I managed to click on some folders on my computer by mistake, and magically ended up looking at a folder (that I forgot the existence of) with a dozen or so video recordings from my Fuji Z5. Most were accidental, but one really persuaded me to keep my current camera. It works well for the amateur and simple purposes that I need.

The video was of myself and my sister riding on the Paris Metro, going past the Concorde Station. I had whipped my small digital camera out because there was a delightful metro musician playing his trumpet as he was walking along the compartments. Enough talk. I will show you. Enjoy :^)