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Sleepless in Seoul

April Fool's they call it, but personally I think they just wanted some excuse to keep their mind off their troubles. The first day of a new month has come and gone. January seems years ago. February feels like another lifetime. (Me in New York! What an idea.) March started off with good intentions, aspirations to be a different person, to reface the same situations and make the right choices this time. This month holds graduate school applications and midterms. Once the midterms are over, I know it will be a blur. Hectic schedules and chaos everywhere. Papers, presentations, exams. Before you know it, it's the end of June, and your heavenly holidays should have been planned well beforehand. Then comes September, hopefully holding prospects of an exciting start of a new semester as a freshman, and you know 2010 will be here before you get used to writing 2009 at the top of the page.

Will I be able to keep my eyes on my dream, or will I cave in at the first excuse to waste time? Will I even have enough time to get through my agenda this month? Will I perform well enough to grasp what seems just within my reach, if I extend myself well enough?

No wonder I am still up.