Literature/Literary Studies 썸네일형 리스트형 Active reading Grad school isn't as bad as I feared, in fact, having so much reading to do is a blessing and a pleasure. The downside, though, is that I have no time left to really treasure what I am reading and let it swirl around a bit in my mind before re-reading and finally reaching my opinion of it. I hate being so aggressive in reading.. telling myself again and again I need to read closely yet criticall.. 더보기 db 교육 USEFUL DB literature online - 작품 전문 - 2차 문헌 및 참고자료 - MLA 서지 정보, world lit - ABELL- british, eng lit only - 230 knowledge note (notes on the most important works) - poets on screen: 시낭송 등 web of knowledge - web of science - art&humanities citation index - social sciences citaiton index => popular/trendy articles 권위있는/이슈가 되는 - JCR journal citation report literary reference center - 저자전기 - plot sum.. 더보기 Graduate Research Writing Week 1 Research is all around us, in every part of our daily life. Don't be too burdened by the prospect of researching for your thesis. “Imagine that you enter a parlor. You come late. When you arrive, others have long preceded you, and they are engaged in a heated discussion, a discussion too heated for them to pause and tell you exactly what it is about. In fact, the discussion had already be.. 더보기 websearch: British Romanticism (NAEL) from the Norton Anthology website The Romantic Period: Introduction (link) In a letter to Byron in 1816, Percy Shelley declared that the French Revolution was "the master theme of the epoch in which we live" — a judgment with which many of Shelley's contemporaries concurred. As one of this period's topics, "The French Revolution: Apocalyptic Expectations," demonstrates, intellectuals of the age .. 더보기 Websearch: British Romanticism The Romantic period in British Literature (roughly 1780-1832) stands at the nexus of the Enlightenment's promotion of commerce, reason, and liberty and the Victorian experience of industrialization and empire. Romanticism, as embodied in both artistic production and cultural reception, elevated aesthetic practice to an almost divine activity, a realm wherein the individual might forge his or her.. 더보기 이전 1 다음