New York 썸네일형 리스트형 뉴욕 파노라마 사진 with Horizon202 Brooklyn Bridge Day 8th February, 2009 more photographs on the top p h o t o menu more photographs on the top p h o t o menu Zenit Horizon202 B&W Konica Pan100 Colour Fujifilm Superia Reala 100 정말 몇몇 호리즌202 유저들의 증언대로 흑백은 별로인듯:-S But I am extremely happy with the colour photos, and I don't even care that they're a bit low-quality due to manual scan&crop process.. It's well expensive to have them .. 더보기 NYU Abu Dhabi Conference Climate Change: Financing Green Development May 3-5, 2009 Climate Change: Financing Green Development aims to build robust and workable climate finance mechanisms that will secure developing country participation, support sustainable development, and leverage cost-effective solutions to mitigating climate change. Successfully meeting the challenge of climate change is not only an environmental i.. 더보기 horizon 202 results Horizon 202 film - taken on the Brooklyn Bridge, New York 더보기 Photographs from New York 뉴욕 사진 업데이트 : ) CLICK FOR NEW PHOTOGRAPHS FROM NEW YORK 더보기 Day 5 in New York 우리와 지하철에 함께 탑승하신 솜사탕 장수 아저씨들 2분ㅋㅋ 먹고 싶어 계속 침만 꿀꺽:) 언니와 함께한 유니언 스퀘어 근처 컵케잌 카페! 어린이 서점의 입구에 작게 차려져 있었는데, 나름 맛있고 예뻤다. 더보기 Day 4 in New York Part 2. 더보기 Day 4 in New York Part 1 MoMA Design Shop, Greenwich Housing Works Bookstore and Cafe- my dream book cafe! Walking uptown via Fifth Avenue, you can see some very New York sights. 더보기 Day 3 in New York: Bookshop Tour Times Square In my sister's room McNally-Jackson Books, Prince Street McNally-Jackson Books, B1 Corner of McNally-Jackson Books Three Lives & Co., independent bookstore on West 10th St. Walking to The Strand Bookstore from Three Lives- The Strand Bookstore, a warehouse full of discounted books. 더보기 Day 2 in New York Part 2. 더보기 Day 2 in New York Part 1. Raining in NoHo. 더보기 Day 1 in New York So I am finally here in New York. I arrived last evening, but since I never got to see the 'day' in New York, today was the first day for me. My initial travel plan is to walk around everywhere, getting lost and then finding myself again over and over until the streets feel a little bit familiar. I think I will be doing this for the first three or four days in various different parts of Manhat.. 더보기 NEW YORK EVENTS on TUE 27 JAN ★The Gutenberg Bible December 11, 2008 – February 6, 2009 The New York Public Library: Humanities and Social Sciences Library Fifth Ave at 42nd St Manhattan, NY 10017 subway: B, D, F, V to 42nd St–Bryant Park; 7 to Fifth Ave. (212) 868-4444 description/ When this 550-year-old Bible arrived in New York City in 1847, Custom House agents were instructed to remove their hats in its presence. You mig.. 더보기 List: Literature on NY from - WRITING NEW YORK: A LITERARY ANTHOLOGY by Phillip Lopate (Editor). Library of America. From the publisher: "In celebration of Greater New York's centenary, The Library of America presents the best writing about the world's greatest city, edited by distinguished essayist Phillip Lopate. 'Writing New York' is a composite cultural po.. 더보기 New York/London Panoramas link New York Panorama - A fantastic site that shows 360 degrees panoramic photographs of New York! London Panorama - 360 degrees of panoramic views at over fifty locations in London: It brings me back to King's Cross Station, Regent's Park, Oxford Street.. ..and makes my heart ache and long to be back again soon. 더보기 My NY address 47-22 45th St, Woodside, NY 11377 :) 2009 1.26 - 2.27 더보기 Developing panoramic films in NY 이 기회를 기다렸다! 뉴욕 여행에 대해 생각할수록 파노라마 카메라인 허라이즌202를 사 놓길 잘했다고 생각하고 있음: ) 필름도 많이 사가고 이것저것 experimenting도 많이 해야지. * Places to develop panorama film 1. Duggal (described as mean and unhelpful but cheapest) Yay, it's quite conveniently located to reach from NYU!! -> (Map: 2. Manhattan Color Lab - 'a little place on 20th near 6th Ave on the north side of the street.. 더보기 II. Preparations - Read books: 1. on NY - Just Go New York - 뉴욕의 보물창고 - 내가 사랑한 뉴욕, 나를 사랑한 뉴욕 - 뉴욕 다이어리 - 친절한 뉴욕 - 뉴욕의 보물창고 - 뉴욕은 언제나 공사중 2. on Travel - Art of Travel 3. on Photography - National Geographic 포토그래피 필드 가이드 - Passport validity extension - HDD for photo/video transfer with large storage - Improve my photography skills -DSLR 학교 강좌 -사진기술 관련 책 읽기 esp. 피사체별 구도 -Horizon 202 & 필카 익히기 - get a work-at-home jo.. 더보기 I. Itinerary NO 출발도시 도착도시 항공편 Flight NO 출발일 도착일 출발시간 도착시간 비행시간 좌석 터미널 좌석상태 1 인천 도쿄(나리타) NH908 2009/01/26 14:30 - 16:45 02:15 도착 : 1 확약 2 도쿄(나리타) 뉴욕(JFK) AA168 2009/01/26 19:25 - 18:20 12:55 출발 : 2 도착 : 8 확약 3 뉴욕(JFK) 도쿄(나리타) AA167 2009/02/26 2009/02/27 11:30 - 15:35 14:05 출발 : 8 도착 : 2 확약 4 도쿄(나리타) 인천 JL959 2009/02/27 18:10 - 20:55 02:45 출발 : 2 확약 더보기 이전 1 다음