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revelations on the metro I was riding along the Seoul Metro today and I was trying, as usual, to avoid staring at a particular set of legs or faces to save unnecessary awkwardness. There are so many people crammed into these things these days even at noon, and so I had no choice but to stare at the ceiling. So many in-your-face hagwon ads, colourfully and boldly promising breakthroughs and turning points to anyone vulne.. 더보기
바쁜 새학기의 시작과 다짐, Hello Spring semester! 이번 학기는 나의 약점을 보완할 수 있는 좋은 계기의 학기가 될 것 같다. 안그래도 2010년이 호랑이띠의 해라 진작부터 'surely this will be my year to shine'이라고 생각하고 있었는데, 운좋게 2009년 말에 발표된 여성부 인턴이라는 기회와, 그 외 나의 꿈에 한 발짝 더 다가갈 수 있는 계기들이 많이 마련되었기 때문이다. 그 중 첫번째가 영문과 학과사무실 조교가 된 것. 2009년 2학기, 석사 첫학기에는 문학 공부의 기쁨과 평생 업으로써의 확신을 얻었다면, 한편으로는 너무 수업 참여도나 학과 일에 참여를 소극적으로 해서 networking 면에서는 남는 것이 별로 없었다. 타대생으로써 낯선 학과 분위기와 학교 시스템에도 적응 하는 것도 어려웠고, 신입생의 수가 너무 적고.. 더보기
(♩) 인턴 교육이 끝나고.. 어제부로 2009년 여성부 국제 전문 여성 인턴 교육이 끝났다:-) 2주라는 짧은 기간 안에 빡빡한 일정을 소화하느라 생각보다 많이 지쳐있었나보다- 어제의 즐거웠던 뒷풀이에서 집에 돌아와 12시간 내내 숙면한 걸 보면.. :-P 이번 인턴 교육을 통해 느낀 것들을 잊기 전에 정리해놔야겠다. 1 '교육'은 사람과 사람 사이의 소통과 이음을 전제로 하는 것이어서 그런지, 이번 인턴 교육을 통해 배움과 지식보다는 (물론 그것도 많이 얻었지만!) 좋은 사람들, 이 분야에서 앞으로 의지하게 될 사람들을 많이 얻었다는 든든한 느낌이 든다. 서로 잘 모르는 상태에서 만나서 컨셉조차 100% 이해하지 못했던, ergo 부연설명이 항상 뒤따랐던 '여성부 국제 어쩌고 인턴 (..국제기구 인턴 가면 돈 주는거래)'에 합격하.. 더보기
new goal Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live. Gustave Flaubert ..how to realize this aim. 더보기
July "Non! Non! Pas d'amitie, madame, j'aime mieux mourir d'amour que de vivre d'amitie." "No! No! I do not need your friendship, Madam. I prefer to die from love than live for friendship." -Alexandre Dumas pere- 더보기
Attitude of a lit scholar If you cannot work independently—that is, without someone else giving you deadlines and reading lists—a doctoral program is not the place for you. Those who thrive in Ph.D. programs are those who have initiative, persistence, and endurance in addition to a strong foundation in literature and theory and a genuine, overwhelming passion for literature and research. You really have to love what you .. 더보기
- Celine: Baby, you are going to miss that plane. Jesse: I know. 0 Films that I constantly hear about: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset. Not to mention that two of my best friends look uncannily similar to Julie Delpy. I have been looking forward to them for so long, I wanted it to be perfect. And it was. 1 I have a question that I wanted to write down. People have different ways of expressing their .. 더보기
<Hamlet Q1> afterthoughts 1 I wouldn't call this so much a review as an afterthought, because I have neither the capacity nor a hobby for judging anything I have shallow knowledge of. But I had a great flurry of thoughts come to me after watching it and just wanted to get them down before they were pushed down to my pre-consciousness, as Poe would have said. My personal opinion of Hamlet Q1 was that it was brilliant in b.. 더보기
One Mail Two Young Girls at the Piano Auguste Renoir (French, 1841–1919) Oil on canvas; 44 x 34 in. (111.8 x 86.4 cm) Robert Lehman Collection, 1975 'Let us both be busy in our cities, and hopefully frequently share news of triumphs'! 더보기
City Moleskine Effect City Moleskine Effect: The feelings of reminiscence and melancholy that arise from the title of City Moleskines, accompanied by frantic joy and breathlessness caused by the prospect of returning to those certain cities to further fill one's Moleskine. Some time ago, I had complained of an imperfection in my plain pocket Moleskine (Nothing major, but it was rather a disappointment to have a loose.. 더보기
Home, but Airports are witnesses of change in people. Girl leaves Seoul for London, New York, Girl comes back some time later. She holds the same passport that she left with, but you know she's not the same person anymore. Perhaps it's not externally visible, perhaps you can see it straight away. Just little things show that she has changed: the way she walks, the way she looks at other people, the way sh.. 더보기
Comforting words "지금 인영이가 어느 길을 선택해도 그 길은 그 목표에 달성하기 위해 여기 starting point에서 45도로 꺾여 있든, 15도로 꺾여 있든, 또는 정면으로 향해 있든 연결되어 있다고 생각해! 물론 정면으로 향하면 그만큼 언덕이 있는거야, 누구도 그만큼의 노력 없이 고지에 도달하는 사람은 없으니까 ;)" .. thank you. My Friend in Need. 더보기
"Here is New York" by E.B. White E.B. White (1899-1985) is widely known as the author of the children's classics Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, as well as one of the finest essayists of the twentieth century. from the Essays of E.B. White, Harper Perennial Modern Classics (1999) A poem compresses much in a small space and adds music, thus heightening its meaning. The city is like poetry: it compresses all life, all races an.. 더보기
Last week in NY Just 6 days to go until I return home. Just 6 days to go, and this once-in-a-lifetime experience to live in New York is over. Just 6 days to go, and I will have to say goodbye to my sister, who I probably won't be able to meet again until June. But while these realizations are quite fresh in my mind, rather than scurrying over to the heart of the city, to see and experience more, what I really f.. 더보기
Frustration Sometimes my heart persuades my head to stop everything and just leave. The passionate part of my head conjures up images of me off in the coutry somewhere, just being, instead of always aiming, endeavouring, planning, preparing, anticipating. When will I just be? When will I be able to close my eyes, smile, and not be attacked by pangs of guilt from being idle? Too young to be feeling like this.. 더보기