
status quo

inyoung.danielle.suh 2009. 7. 7. 18:43

- lots of time to read, think, talk, websurf, help people, figure out my future
- making mental notes of things to do: the dreaded Hanja, reading texts for grad school (and I can say grad school with total nonchalance now;-), a plan for my year(s) at Yonsei, etc.
- making sure that I am not totally cut off from the other TAs whlie I am stuck in #305
- ecstatic about my very last GPA.. YAY!
- looking very much forward to July 12th for the long-awaited reunion
- becoming very good at making ice coffee from a $10,000 dollar espresso machine.. quite the little baristess!
- getting to know and reach out to others first
- realizing how old (or how 'senior' I have become, with all the young things around me (08학번!!)
- trying not to doze off at around 2pm