cake day at the 외교안보연구원
2010. 1. 22. 21:38
To celebrate the much-awaited weekend following a tiring week of Very Intense Training, the 외교안보연구원 prepared a fun Cake Decoration event for the 9th 국제 전문 여성 인턴들. We were given some materials and asked to decorate the cake to our liking. Designated the 개발 team, naturally(!) we drew on the theme of Dog Foot :-) It wasn't all pun, because the centre of the foot stood for the UN, with the 3 pilllars and so on. (It sounded so much better when 미현언니 explained it!)
But while tipping the cake ever so slightly to show the rest of the room our innovative design, the weight of the oranges we'd piled up crumbled, resulting in the symbolic yet somewhat accurate erosion of the 개발. Tasted surprisingly good, anyhow!
"2등 축하합니다!♬"