
Cookie Time

inyoung.danielle.suh 2008. 12. 23. 20:39


It has been a while since I felt myself a free woman, able to do as I please. Just a year ago, I remember being able to take a day out and just go somewhere, but now I have plans, obligations, must-see-through lists that keep a tight leash around my ankles that I think I actually forgot what it was like to just in a bright corner of the living room, basking in the short bursts of winter sun to enjoy a good book without having to compromise, without guilt. So when Mum came into my room dressed in flour-dust and some dangerously big Christmas Tree cookies, I could not but jump up in excitement.

So began our dusty but creative adventure:^) The first eight or so pieces, I created with artistic seriousness, but after Mother burned them to a nice Californian tan (all blame on the oven of course, for having a mind of its own and operating for more than it was instructed), I began to tire of the expectation of eight fruits of creative labour before the previous batch was golden brown - just under 15 minutes!

A Cup of Coffee, cookie replica of Mum (I forgot to press its forehead kk), Snowmen of various sizes (the biggest of which Mum and I joked looked like it might take off its scarf and walk out of the oven, complaining it was rather hot), a Rabbit, several Teddy Bears, an Airplane (which Dad said was more like a Tuna or Dolphin, to my dismay), a Rose, a Butterfly, my name in Korean and English initials, etc. etc. Very good they would have tasted too, if they hadn't been burnt to match the furniture.