World Civic Forum 2009
World Civic Forum 2009: Building Our Humanitarian Planet
A Joint Initiative of Kyung Hee University and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
May 5-8, COEX, Seoul, Korea
Higher Education for Humane Purposes and Social Responsibility
Role of Higher Education for Civic Enhancement May 7 08:30~10:00 Chair: Isabelle Turmaine (France)
How should, could higher education be better involved in education-related MDGs? Isabelle Turmaine (France)
The University and Its Role in Saving the Displaced Victims of the Armed Conflict Women Inoray D. Osop (Philippines)
The Role of the Private University in Community Planning and Outreach: A Case Study James M. Eames (United States)
The glocal multiversity: new roles and emerging challenges for human and social development Josep Lobera (Spain)
Toward a Broader and More Global Scope of Higher Education May 7 13:30~15:00 Chair: John K. Alsup (United States)
Teaching Mathematics in Rural Tanzania John K. Alsup (United States)
Megatrends in Education: Education 2030 Youngsook Park (South Korea)
Cultivating global citizens through innovative program development - how the INU is empowering students through the Masters of Global Citizenship and Peace Devi Bhuyan (United States)
Uplifting University Education for Civic Engagement May 7 15:30~17:00 Chair: Esmenia R. Javier (Philippines)
Organizational Spirituality, Leadership Commitment and Management Effectiveness of Leaders at Lyceum of the Philippines University Esmenia R. Javier (Philippines)
Education for Peace: Content, Form, and Structure--Mobilizing Youth for Civic Engagement Kevin A. Kester (South Korea)
Engagement in Social Activism by Campus Youth Shantha Abeysinghe (Malaysia)
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Youth & MDGs May 6 13:30~15:00 Chair: Francis C. Anyaegbu (Nigeria)
Achieving The MDGs- The Youth Can Francis C. Anyaegbu (Nigeria)
Raising Awareness: “UGC with Love” (User Generated Contents) Ho Joon Sohn (South Korea)
Can Teaching Save the MDG's? David Durkee (United Kingdom)
Enhancing Civil Society for MDGs May 8 08:30~10:00 Chair: Peride K. Blind (United States)
Linking Civil Society with Democratic Governance through the MDGs Peride K. Blind (United States)
Points of Convergence and Divergence in the the Loob Bunga Experience : the MDGs and a local community's response Catherine R. Cordova (Philippines)
Roadmap for Youth Entrepreneurship ( MDGs) Rock Power N. Kazela (Congo)
Basic Education Development in Rural Lao PDR -Issues and Prospects Phanhpakit Onphanhdala (Japan)
Pro-Poor Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Rural Vietnam: Welfare Gap between the Ethnic Majority and Minority Woojin Kang (United Kingdom)
Culture Dialogue for Multilateral Society May 6 13:30-15:00 Chair: Hyehoon Lee (ROK)
Preventing Humanitarian Crises through Engaging Children to Realize the Principles and Goals of Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter Wakako Hironaka (Japan)
How to Build Human Rights Principles in Future Generations Jungwook Hong (ROK)
Why Protection Rights for Refugee Children Are Important for Building a Humanitarian Culture Janice L. Marshall (UNHCR)
Building a 'World Fit for Children' through Education June Kunugi (UNICEF)
Cultural Diversity and Tolerance
In Search of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation May 6 13:30~15:00 Chair: Youngmin Kim (South Korea)
Transnationalism, Transculturalism, and World Poetries in English: Cultural Diversity and Tolerance Youngmin Kim (South Korea)
Rethinking Multiculturalism: Globalisation and a New Ethics of Tolerance Iain W. Watson (South Korea)
Appreciating the Essence of North-South Civic Partnerships: beyond winners and losers Wiebe Nauta (Netherlands)
Multiculturalism and Intercultural Understanding: Enhancing Education Potentials for the 21st Century May 8 08:30~10:00 Chair: Diane M. Hoffman (United States)
Multiculturalism and Intercultural Understanding: New perspectives from the Anthropology of Education Diane M. Hoffman (United States)
Intercultural Competence Development: ICT-based Intercultural Teaching and Learning for Public Schools Eunhee Jung O'Neill (United States)
Policy to Adapt Cultural Diversity and Promote Intercultural Education in Korea Namgi Park (South Korea)
Culture Dialogue for Multilateral Society May 6 15:30-17:00 Chair: Jung-Sup Kim (South Korea)
Globalization of Hallyu through Organic Power Jung-Sook Park (South Korea)
Hallyu’s Role in Enhancing Korea’s National Brand Chan-Bum Lee (South Korea)
Potential for One Source Multiuse for Hallyu Contents Kolleen Park (South Korea)
Fostering Humanitarian Culture through Children May 7 15:30-17:00 Chair: Young-seong Shin (South Korea)
A Ground of Multiculturalism in history of the Republic of Korea Ho-nam Park (South Korea)
The Present Conditions and Alternatives of immigrant Workers Yong-phil Kim (South Korea)
The Korean residents in Japan as a national minority and Koreans in Sakhalin Deok-ho Bae (South Korea)
It is one thing to love reading, studying, immersing myself in literature, but quite another to look into my ...