Humdrum 썸네일형 리스트형 SSCH: 생신축하 2009.05.23 Happy Birthday Daddy!! blowing out the candles;-) 더보기 기타와 반조 사이 - ukelele!:D During my stay in London in 2008, I received a very pretty ukelele as a birthday present. I had vowed to myself that I would learn to play it really really well after watching the following youtube video: While My Ukelele Gently Weeps Also, I had the privilege of attending the wonderful performance by The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain to mark the finale of Hay Literature Festival 2008. Not .. 더보기 추천! 충무로 흑백사진 현상소 오늘 드디어 시험이 끝나고, 한걸음에 바로 충무로로 달려갔다 히히 뉴욕에서 찍어온 Horizon202 사진들이 너무너무 기대됐는데, 아무래도 인화하는 건 너무 비쌀 것 같아 스캔하러 gogo! 관건은 어느 현상소로 가느냐- 였는데 옛날부터 인터넷에서 수색해본 결과 Ansel Adams (yes, that's the name of the famous photographer!)가 제일 마음에 들었다! 안셀 아담스는 흑백 사진의 대가이기도 하지만 뉴욕 MoMA 2층에 있는 서점에서 보석같은 사진 관련 서적들을 읽고 있을 때 강한 인상은 남긴 책이 조지아 오키프와 안셀 아담스가 공동 작업한 Georgia O'Keeffe and Ansel Adams: Natural Affinities 라는 책에서 눈여겨 봤기 때.. 더보기 심심해? yawn! try this. i can't stop. yawn yawn! I need inspiration I need inspiration like rolling hills and roaring thunder I need inspiration like humanity's fatal blunder I need inspiration of the purest kind Where both the dark and the light are defined I need inspiration to spark the flame of imagination I need inspiration that could rouse an entire nation I need inspiration like a roaring fire Th.. 더보기 엄마랑 벚꽃구경 :D 엄마랑 예배 끝나고 벚꽃구경을 가려고 빵이랑 뻥튀기랑 아이스 커피랑 싸들고 가서: ) 맑고 푸른 날 꽃비를 맞아서 기분이 좋은 날! walking in the 꽃비 :^) 더보기 via email from NY Starbuck trooper! He trekked 24 hours, drinking and eating at every Starbucks in Manhattan BY SEAN EVANS DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Friday, July 20th 2007, 7:20 PM In the ultimate caffeine jag, Mark Malkoff went to every single Starbucks in Manhattan - all 171 of them - in just 24 hours. By the time he was done, he had: made 18 bathroom stops spent $369.14 - including an $80 bribe for a single piec.. 더보기 You mean everything to me First family outing in 6 months! Where else but Samcheongdong;^) 9th Mar 2009 더보기 Seoul to Tokyo Incheon Airport Flying somewhere over Korea Lowering to land at Narita Airport Narita Window Scene 더보기 Freedom! With my TOEFL exams this morning, my January to-do lists have come to an end. At least for now. Of course, there are mountains of unchecked lists, so many that I need a list of list titles to keep up, but I feel free and happy! The reason for this happiness I owe to 교보문고, because I spent about 4 hours there today just leafing through a huge pile of books on New York that I gathered up from all.. 더보기 I'm a Global Leader! +α Hee hee, finally! After 3 weeks of valuable experience and much enlightenment on cultures around the world, I am at last a qualified Global Business Leader:) Not only do I get Professor Ma's book for winning joint first-place for our presentation, but I also was able to build precious relationships and rapport. The most professional woman I have ever met, Ms. Ma has my highest respect for bein.. 더보기 Busy, busy! It's been a really hectic month.... and I know I am still nowhere near the end, I still have a week to go, but since I am flying to New York, New York♬ soon, 26th is my final deadline for everything. I had a mock English Interview at the Global Leadership Program at KU on Monday the 21st, the Global Leader Qualification exam today, and am looking forward(!) to a presentation tomorrow. On Saturda.. 더보기 선희와 성신여대 What would you say to someone who was trying to get to Japan from Korea, but flew west over China, Russia, Europe, and the US to get there? Seems pretty stupid, huh? Well, that's basically what 선희 and I had been doing, when we decided to go to a 'concert musical' that she had received free tickets for. Arirang Art Hall was supposed to be close to 성신여대앞 station, and apparently within walking dist.. 더보기 Homepage Update : Homepage Renewal Click below to be guided to It's not a huge change, but still, change is interesting no matter the magnitude. 더보기 홍대 골목 탐험 - 서주희와 함께 Today, I took so many photos that I love! Without further ado, because a picture is worth a thousand words, I will share them with you asap :^) Location: Down and Out in Hongdae Companion: Joo Hee & Me Cameras used: Fuji Finepix Z5, Fuji Instax Mini 7 And some more photos! 더보기 Bitter Disappointment: Buy Korea 2009 Yesterday, I participated in KOTRA's Buy Korea 2009 as an English interpreter. As it was a very well-advertised and important event for the Korean economy (not to mention the impact of president's visit!) I had been preparing and looking forward to it not idly. But to cut a long story short, I was, yet again, very disappointed with Korea's capabilities and standards of managing and hosting such .. 더보기 Video from Paris Until a few minutes ago, I was very seriously considering selling my Fuji Z5 and getting a Xacti. Ever since I saw the New York, 1970 footage, I have wanted to buy a camcorder + camera that offers quite good video recording functions. So I spent an hour or so looking at second-hand sales sites and looking for the affordable and decent device. Then I managed to click on some folders on my compute.. 더보기 My Cameras Now that I have quite a collection of cameras (but they are all direly necessary!) that I will be depending on to not only make my life more memorable but give me satisfaction in the process of learning about them, I thought it just to record them on philosuphie.. just in case. At first, I had expected them to record my life, but they have improved the quality of my life somehow.. it's difficult.. 더보기 Here I am ... ... again, with a cheesecake and Nepalese coffee nearby, waiting for my Speaking part of my IELTS test. If only, if only. I really wish I had studies for the previous one, I did not expect to get a 6.5 for my writing!! After studying the preparatory texts for a while, I realized the thousand mistakes I had made. Not so much in my English skills (although I am sure there were a hundred mistakes t.. 더보기 주희랑 홍대 홍대 카페 작 오늘 남겼던 딱 5장의 폴라로이드 로모그래피코리아 간판, 케이크, 서주희 로모그래피코리아 간판, 케이크, 서주희, 그라피티 그라피티, 나, 서주희, 로모코리아, 케이크 그리고... 틈새라면 빨계면과 서주희의 슬픈 이야기 토끼의 지혜 (또는 토끼의 침묵) 천삼백케이 목도리 비아모노 모두모두 우리의 멋진 추억들:^) 추운 겨울날 같이 홍대 거리를 헤매게 되어 기뻤어! 더보기 송구영신 TV로 여의도순복음교회 송구영신 예배를 드린 이후 아빠가 받으신 케이크 냠냠 :^) 모두모두 새해 복 많이 받으세용! 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 다음