Enlightenment 썸네일형 리스트형 Seoul Events, April 서울 역사 박물관 4.8~4.29 매 주 수요일 무료 강의 - 서울의 역사와 문화 관련 강의 4.7~4.28 매 주 화요일 무료 강의 - 동북아속 서울 관련 강의 4.24(금) 무료 공연 - 음악이 흐르는 박물관의 밤: 샌드애니메이션 콘서트 서울연극센터 4.26(일) 1만원 - 대학로 연극투어: 백스테이지 투어와 연극 '봄날' 공연관람 신설동 서울풍물시장 4.26(일) 2009 외국인 벼룩시장 청계천 4.1~4.30 서울거리아티스트: 청계천에서 펼쳐지는 거리예술공연 더보기 Notes on i-pod intrigues from magazines 1 Indie labels - Domino Records: ---animal collective/ ---psapp /---junior boys - XL Records: ---the teenagers/ ---friendly fires/ ---tapes n tapes - Rough Trade: ---Alber Hammond/ ---The Blonds -4AD -Bells Union -Sub pop - Kill Rock Stars 2 university music radio stations www.cur1350.co.uk 3 pretty luggage bags travelmate.co.kr 4 book 세계도시견문록 series by 이희수 5 events - vo.. 더보기 Sleepless in Seoul April Fool's they call it, but personally I think they just wanted some excuse to keep their mind off their troubles. The first day of a new month has come and gone. January seems years ago. February feels like another lifetime. (Me in New York! What an idea.) March started off with good intentions, aspirations to be a different person, to reface the same situations and make the right choices th.. 더보기 HamletQ1 고려대학교에 재직 중이신 송옥 교수님의 퇴임(2010년 2월)을 기념하여 고려대학교에서 드라마를 공부한 학도들의 모임인 디오니소스드라마연구회가 셰익스피어의 새로운「햄릿」(「햄릿 Q1」)을 제작하게 되었습니다. 공연일시: 2009년 3월20(금요일)~3월29일(일요일) 평일 오후 8시 (1회 공연) 토요일 오후 3시, 7시 30분 (2회 공연) 일요일 오후 4시 (1회 공연) 공연장소: (동숭동 대학로) 동덕여자대학교 공연예술센터 관람료: R석 3만원/ S석 2만원/ 학생 및 단체관람 1만원 예매 및 문의: 010-2872-8955, 02- 940-4355 디오니소스드라마연구회 올림 더보기 Thus spake Doris Lessing on the widespread practice of universalized ways of studying literature or otherwise at educational institutions. "... But after this investigation, I had no difficulty in answering my own questions: Why are they so parochial, so personal, so small-minded? Why do they always atomise, and belittle, why are they so fascinated by detail, and uninterested in the whole? Why is their interpretation of.. 더보기 Horizon 202 English Manual from zenit.istra.ru/mans/horizon-202/horizon-202-eng.html Manuals | Horizon-202: NOTES: This text is identical to the one in the Technical Description (User manual), English version, 1991 year. Converted to HTML in 2003. Only "Horizont" name replaced by "Horizon" there. Данный текст идентичен оригинальному Руководству по эксплуатации версии 1991 года, был переведен в текстовый формат и специальн.. 더보기 Advice ...you are never old enough. Whatever, wherever you think you will be at a certain age is not something that comes naturally nor is it something you can not be right now ... it's not a matter of time, but a matter of wanting to and matter of carrying out your decision. ... you are the only person who can speed up or indefinitely delay the person you can be. Think a lot and pray a lot, but that's.. 더보기 Global Business Program @ KU I think this is a terrific opportunity to learn to improve English as well as earn an eye for global awareness and an ability to communicate well with others in projects, etc. In any case, I will be participating in this program and therefore will be in 안암 from Jan 5th until Jan 23rd during the weekdays, so if you are around, send me a text ;-) 더보기 Pleasant Words Masiluleke : a Zulu word for “hope” and “warm counsel” 더보기 이전 1 2 다음